When will there be More?

We love the Bundesliga, and it hasn’t let us down. The top teams have played well, and all the games we’ve been able to watch have been entertaining . . . but then maybe it’s the starvation effect? You know how that is right? When you’re hungry and you have a good meal, it’s one of the best you’ve ever had!
So when will there be more?
The Premier League is a bit hesitant. The league originally said June 12th. Some of the teams want the 26th. So, maybe the 19th? We think it looks like we’ll know by the end of this weekend.
The hard hit Corona Virus Italians are looking at a 13th or 20th restart date. They’ve been in training since mid May. Vincenzo Spadaforda has been quoted as saying a decision should come by Thursday this week. They are looking at June 13th or 20th.
No official date for Spain’s La Liga has been set, but the government has given the green light for resumption as early as June 8th, while most think the actual start will be the 11th at the earliest. Don’t be too surprise if it’s not until the 20th, but there are 11 rounds to play and they want to finish by July 31st at the latest.
All games for leagues still considering play resumption will be behind closed doors – no fans in attendance.
The MLS is the most indecisive that we’ve heard with speculation but nothing we feel we can confidently point to regardless of what is said. June 8th was a possibility, but . . . with a league season that runs late into the year, they do have more time to decide. Players are being tested as part of the restart protocol and training has been restarted, though with limitations
In case you hadn’t heard, last month the French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe declared there would be no sporting events until September, so they are done. The Dutch essentially nullified the season – no winner & no relegation. While there is still some remote possibilities for Scotland, their season seems to be done as well.
The Bundesliga is the litmus test. If that goes well, and players stay healthy over the next couple of weeks, other countries will likely be encouraged to restart as well.
Read more . . .
Bundesliga . . .
English Premier League . . .
Spanish La Liga . . .
Italy’s Serie A . . .
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